Swell Ad Systems - We Generate Business-Ready Leads for Local Businesses

Your Marketing is Dead. You Need an Ad System.

We Generate Business-Ready Leads
for Local Businesses

No heavy lifting required!

What is an Advertising System?

The Swell Advertising System easily integrates multiple tools and strategies to generate leads, free up time, increase customer service, and drive business without breaking the bank.

With Swell Ad Systems, you get more than a marketing agency – you gain a dedicated partner providing one-to-one customer service, dedicated to your success. From dynamic social media advertising and appointment setting to personalized text message follow-ups and impactful email marketing, we ensure your business stays connected and top-of-mind. Harness the power of missed call text-back, engage through webchat, and experience expert lead generation. Plus, watch your Google reviews soar with our proven strategies. Elevate your local business with us today!

How our Ad System Works

We start with the online ads then build a system that works for you and your business.

Swell Advertising System for Local Businesses
  • Ads - we fill your customer pipeline by generating high-quality leads using engaging, targeted, and affordable online ads

  • Missed-Call-Text-Back - ensure no calls are left unanswered and potential leads are captured promptly with automated text messages

  • Reviews - easily and automatically build your online reputation using text messaging or email messaging to get more reviews

  • Texting - easily engage and communicate with contacts in a more personal and immediate way, fostering stronger relationships

  • Email - communicate with customers or nurture your lead list by scheduling automated customized emails

  • Chat Widget - increase engagement and satisfaction by giving customers and leads an additional avenue to get in touch, ask questions, and receive immediate responses

Who Are We?

We're a Utah-based agency that specializes in helping local companies get more business.

We excel in providing high-quality, business-ready leads through creative and high-targeted advertising on leading social media platforms.
Our strategic methodology not only allows you to focus on your craft but also guarantees that your growth is fueled by genuinely interested clients, helping your business expand efficiently.

Our Process


Gather Content

In this initial step, we collect photos and videos that highlight your craftmanship or service. The visuals serve to attract a greater number of views and potential clients to your business.


Launch Ads

Next, we launch targeted ads based on the content we've collected. These ads are strategically designed and placed on popular social media platforms.


Generate Leads

Finally, we collect information from individuals who are genuinely interested in your products and services. We aim to prioritize business-ready leads and eliminating tire kickers.

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Social Media Marketing for Contractors

Harnessing the Power of Social Media Advertising: A Contractor's Gateway to More Jobs and Paying Customers

February 01, 20246 min read

Social Media Marketing for Contractors to Get More Jobs and Paying Customers

Harnessing the Power of
Social Media Marketing: A Contractor's Gateway to More Jobs and Paying Customers

In today's digital age, the way businesses acquire leads and customers has evolved significantly. For local contractors, social media marketing has emerged as a powerful tool to reach a wider audience, showcase their skills, and ultimately secure more paying customers. Let's explore how leveraging social media advertising can transform your contracting business by bringing in leads and converting them into loyal clients.

The Shift in Customer Behavior

Before we dive into the benefits of social media marketing for local contractors, it's crucial to understand the shifting landscape of consumer behavior. Today, potential clients are more likely to turn to the internet to find services they need, including contractors. They rely on search engines and social media platforms to discover businesses and read reviews. This presents a tremendous opportunity for contractors to harness the power of social media advertising. So how can social media advertising and marketing help local contractors get more jobs and loyal paying customers?

1. Targeted Audience Reach

One of the most significant advantages of social media advertising is the ability to target a specific audience. Whether you specialize in home renovations, landscaping, plumbing, or any other contracting service, you can tailor your ads to reach individuals in your local area who are actively seeking your services. This precision ensures that your marketing budget is spent on reaching potential customers who are genuinely interested in what you offer.

For example, if you are a roofing contractor in Salt Lake City, you can set up Facebook or Instagram ads to target homeowners in Salt Lake City and its surrounding suburbs who have shown interest in roofing services. This targeted approach maximizes your chances of connecting with potential clients in your service area.

2. Showcase Your Work

Social media platforms allow you to visually showcase your work. You can create posts that feature before-and-after photos of your completed projects, videos highlighting your skills and craftsmanship, and customer testimonials that demonstrate your expertise. By regularly sharing such content, you not only engage your existing followers but also attract the attention of potential clients who are impressed by your work.

A well-curated social media presence builds trust and credibility, which are crucial factors for clients when selecting a contractor. They want to see the quality of your work and understand your capabilities before reaching out.

3. Engage and Educate

Social media provides a platform for engagement and education. You can use your social media profiles to interact with your audience, answer questions, and offer valuable insights related to your industry. By demonstrating your knowledge and expertise, you position yourself as a trusted authority in your field.

For instance, if you're a landscaping contractor, you can share tips on maintaining a beautiful lawn or creating an appealing outdoor space. These informative posts not only engage your audience but also showcase your commitment to customer service and your dedication to helping clients make informed decisions.

4. Cost-Effective Advertising

Compared to traditional advertising methods such as print ads or billboards, social media advertising is highly cost-effective. You have control over your advertising budget and can choose from various ad formats to suit your goals, including image ads, video ads, carousel ads, and more.

Additionally, social media platforms offer detailed analytics, allowing you to track the performance of your ads in real-time. You can monitor metrics like click-through rates, cost per click, and conversion rates, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your campaigns for maximum ROI.

5. Increased Website Traffic

Your contracting business likely has a website where potential clients can learn more about your services, view your portfolio, and contact you. Social media advertising can drive targeted traffic to your website, increasing the chances of conversion.

By using compelling ad copy and visually appealing content, you can encourage users to click through to your website to learn more. This traffic represents individuals who have already shown interest in your services, making them more likely to become paying customers.

6. Lead Generation and Conversion

Social media advertising is not just about getting your brand in front of people; it's also about generating leads and converting them into paying customers. By strategically designing your ads and including clear calls to action, you can prompt users to take the next step, whether that's filling out a contact form, calling your business, or requesting a quote.

For example, if you're an HVAC contractor, your Facebook ad can offer a free consultation or a special discount on furnace maintenance. This incentive can encourage users to provide their contact information, allowing you to follow up and convert them into clients.

7. Build a Strong Online Reputation

Positive reviews and testimonials are essential for building trust with potential clients. Social media advertising can help you showcase your existing satisfied customers by sharing their reviews and testimonials on your profiles. This social proof can significantly influence potential clients' decisions and encourage them to choose your contracting services over competitors.

8. Measure and Optimize

Social media advertising platforms provide comprehensive analytics and reporting tools that allow you to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. You can track key performance indicators (KPIs) and use the data to refine your strategies.

By analyzing which ads perform best, you can allocate your budget more effectively, focus on the most successful campaigns, and continuously improve your lead generation efforts.

9. Stay Ahead of the Competition

Many local contractors are still not fully utilizing the potential of social media advertising. By embracing this digital marketing strategy, you can gain a competitive edge in your local market. Your proactive approach to online advertising will set you apart from competitors who are slow to adapt to the changing landscape.

10. Real-Time Interaction

Social media platforms provide real-time communication with potential clients. Whether someone has a question about your services or wants to inquire about a project, they can easily reach out through comments, direct messages, or contact forms on your profiles. This immediate interaction can lead to quicker lead generation and conversion opportunities.

In conclusion, social media advertising has become a vital tool for local contractors looking to generate leads and attract paying customers. With its targeted audience reach, the ability to showcase your work, cost-effectiveness, and measurable results, social media advertising offers numerous benefits that can help your contracting business thrive in today's digital world.

By engaging with your audience, educating potential clients, and consistently delivering high-quality content, you can establish a strong online presence and build trust. This, in turn, will lead to increased website traffic, more leads, and higher conversion rates. Don't miss out on the opportunities that social media advertising presents – it's time to harness its power and take your contracting business to new heights.


social mediasocial media adssocial media advertisingFacebook AdsInstagram AdsLead GenerationContractorsSub ContractorsLocal BusinessSmall Businesssocial media marketingmarketingadvertising
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Swell Advertising Systems

Swell Advertising Systems is a relationship-based marketing agency that specializes in social media marketing to drive leads to local businesses.

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